Wednesday, August 18, 2010

ok, just letting you know i'm not NEGLECTING this blog like i've forgotten it or anything, its just moving has this way of throwing off my rhythm and i'm sent spinning for a while til i regain my bearing.  any sort of significant change does that.  i assume that's how it is with most, if not all, people, but i believe it affects me more significantly due to certain instabilities in the very nature of who i am.  i accept that.  so, to sum it all up again, i'll be writing more here soon, i expect.  hopefully i'll update on story ideas, what i've been up to, musings i've had about experiences i've...well, experienced..etc.  so there you go.  and yes, i am aware i did NOT use any proper capitalization in this post.  consider it my small act of rebellion for the day.